Change the display date of an incident I created

Alexandre Sananikone
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December 6, 2018



I'm trying to modify the "display at" date of an incident I created, I know it's possible to to it from the web page with:

Screenshot from 2018-12-06 10-07-40.png


But I'm using the API to change it.

I work in python and I have a request like:


requests.patch("" + page_id +"/incidents/" + incident_id + ".json?api_key=" + api_key + " &incident[display_at]=2016-12-06T08:48:40.375Z")


 The incident_id variable is an id of an update, in: incident["incident_updates"][ ]

I got response 200 , but I can't update the display date , also, the incident isn't resolved yet, so I should be able to update it.

Can someone help me ? Tell me where or why I'm wrong ?




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Atlassian Team
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December 7, 2018

You have it close to correct, just the wrong parameter.  display_at isn't a valid parameter so it's simply ignored by the API.

The parameter you want is backfill_date since you're backfilling the date of the incident.

You can find more details on the incident update api page:

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