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Can I create the components on hourly basis instead of days.

Chinar Goel
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February 28, 2023

like components are create on the day basis, which was 90 days, so I need to make a component according to hours.

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Rafael Meira
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 2, 2023

@Chinar Goel happy to assist you today :)

You should be able to create components on an hourly basis normally, the only "limit" we have is - Statuspage has a limit of 1100 components. When the limit is reached, you’ll have to delete existing components in order to add new ones. This means you’ll have to manually delete existing components. 

If you are referring to the dashboard, and how it displays, this could be adjusted by some customization done from your side on the front end.

In case you would further assistance with troubleshooting your account, I would recommend you open a formal ticket with us 😄

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