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10DLC compliance

David Loper March 31, 2022

Is statuspage registerd for the FCC's 10DLC rule? Does it use the same code for ALL statuspage entries or does it use a unique registration for each customer. For example if I do a lookup on USShortCodeDirectory it shows up as statuspage. Is that universally the SMS code? Are there others?

Is 78774 (and any other) number registered in the FCC's 10DLC database?

I'm getting pressure from our security team and lawyers to validate compliance with FCC's 10DLC rule. 

As a side note, Is Opsgenie/JSM also registered? 

Please point me to the appropriate FAQ or compliance statement.

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David Loper March 31, 2022

Also, they are requesting that Statuspage messages on behalf of our institution be registered to our institution, is that possible? Is there a legal position that allows us to send messages in compliance using statuspage's 10DLC registration? I'd hate to have to disable this feature.

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