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DemoDay 2024-07-24

DemoDay 2024-07-24.jpg

Our first Demo Day was yesterday! It was a lot of fun meeting fellow founders and getting feedback on what we've been working on. Thanks @Kunal Sarpatil and @Shegun Holder for taking the time to share your work.

We also talked about Jira vs Trello and Confluence vs Notion, the upshot being that Jira and Confluence become more useful as organizations get bigger. Still, for people who've worked in large organizations, Jira and Confluence can be used effectively even for tiny teams. For instance, using Jira with GitHub integration works really well to keep code organized.

Here's a quick rundown of the attendees:

Shegun Holder

Location: New York

Product: Joie (AirBnB for workspaces)

Market: Professionals who want a "third place" (not home, not office) to get together and work in person


Rino Jose

Location: Bay Area

Product: OrgJQL (Select all users rolling up to a manager from any level in Jira + Leaderboard Rollup Gadget)

Market: Mid/Large organizations who need manager-specific reports and tools in Jira


Kunal Sarpatil

Location: India

Product: BrainDuel (1v1 quiz matches with option to win real money)

Market: People who want to learn a topic and get rewards, friend groups who want to learn together through friendly competition


I'll post another Demo Day signup in August. Stay tuned!



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