Update to 3.3.4: stuck on 'Registration', though authentication was succesful

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November 20, 2019

After the suggested update to 3.3.4 the system : Authentication screen appears, login, confirmation that is OK, but sourcetree remains in Registration. Closing is the only option.


ScreenHunter_296 Nov. 21 07.00.jpg

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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 21, 2019

Hi Jhek, welcome to the Community.

I understand that you're having trouble trying to pass the registration screen. Please answer the following questions to help us troubleshoot your issue:

  1. Are you using Sourcetree for Windows or for Mac?
  2. Which option are you choosing in that screen?
  3. Which browser are you using? (Note that Sourcetree for Windows relies on IE for authentication, and this needs to be up-to-date)
  4. Can you clear cache and cookies and go through the registration again?

Let us know!

Jan Hek December 18, 2019

finally time to continue:

Windows 7,

Sourcetree 3.3.6

using button BitBucket

tried IE11, firefox71(32bit), both with clear enviroments, no history

and both the browsera say: that the registration was succesful, but Sourcetree does remain at the same point.

Jan Hek December 18, 2019

The screenshot shown, both browser and sourcetree v3.3.6 :

ScreenHunter_326 Dec. 18 14.18.jpg

Jan Hek December 18, 2019

I succeeded installing and registrate Sourcetree v3.1.3
Both 3.2.6 and 3.3.6 did not pass the registration step.

Jan Hek December 18, 2019

Tried to install 3.3.6 again, because 3.1.3 has some issues and I don't like to give up. Failed over and over after clearing IE11 and registration with all variatons I could think of.
Then, just for fun, tried to install 3.2.6 again, this installed, not a word about registration, just installed and does work fine. Leaving me flabbergasted.

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