Unable to git status in Sourcetree and GitHub, failed with code -1

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October 10, 2022

I feel like crazy, but I have new mac and I transferred all settings from my laptop, where everything work just fine. But on the new pc Sourcetree is not able to 'git status' on repo. In terminal it is just fine.

In Sourcetree settings I do have "Use system Git".

I have my GitHub account in Sourcetree accounts with generated personal access token. I tried also logging in with OAuth, but even it saved the account, it did not work either.

I do have my ssh key saved, linked to ssh config with "use keychain", added to agent and also saved in GitHub account.

And it still fails with "Error encountered" - "'git status' failed with code -1:"

It even do not tell what error is it and where is the problem :( 

(As it is ne computer, Sourcetree and git has the newest version)

1 answer

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Marc S January 14, 2023

Did you ever resolve this?


I have a similar problem:  Sourcetree can no longer access github.com 

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