Meld not working as External MergeTool on Windows system

Delette Collins October 14, 2013

Hello I am trying to get Meld to work as the external merge tool on a Windows system. I was using p4Merge but personally do not like it as much as Meld. However when I try to launch the external merge tool the Meld external gui will not come up. It seems like it is trying to work because I can see the BASE/BACKUP/LOCAL/REMOTE file backups get created in my directory. Any idea why the gui will not actually come up?

I have Merge Tool: Custom
Diff Command: c:\Program Files\Meld\meld\meld.exe

If I go to command prompt and go to the path of Meld which is in the Diff command above and type meld "filelocation1" "filelocation2" "filelocation3" It works just fine.

1 answer

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chinhodado January 8, 2015

Try adding the location of meld.exe to your PATH (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Meld), then in Diff Command just enter meld instead of the full path. See here:

It works for me.

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