Import an existing GIT repository

William Ashworth
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May 14, 2012

Is there a specific procedure within SourceTree for importing an existing GIT repo? I've done this with SVN before in the past, but we're trying to essentially add an existing repo to a new remote to sync history to the new remote server.

Totally feel like I'm having a dumn moment right now. Thanks for your replies.

2 answers

1 vote
Colin Goudie
Rising Star
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May 14, 2012

If the remote server is empty you just need to do a git command like

git remote add origin gitrepourl


git push origin master

In SourceTree's Repository menu there is an 'Add Remote' option which I imagine is similar to the commands above

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Rising Star
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May 14, 2012

Click the 'Settings' button on the far right of the repository window toolbar, then in the Remotes section click 'Add' and provide the details (either manually, or use the 'Globe' button to pull a URL from your hosted repositories on Bitbucket etc if you've set those accounts up). You can then select this remote to push to.

Once you've synchronised, if you want to make this the default in future, you can remove the other remote and change the name of the new one to 'origin'.

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