I would like to do something like this:
open -a SourceTree puppetlabs-apache 8340107...97b5594ffd3b7fec169f807d3dee07cb094982a5
If you want to use the command line, you should just use the git client. SourceTree is just a UI wrapper to a git command line client anyway.
git diff 8340107 97b5594ffd3b7fec169f807d3dee07cb094982a5
" SourceTree is just a UI wrapper to a git command line client anyway" : yep you made my day
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Disagree big time. Contrast gitextensions which provides a number of command-line entry points to it's gui. I can bring up it's merge tool, invoke graphical blame, log of a specific file, etc, all from command line. ditto TortoiseGit.
I'm overwhelmingly primarily a commandline dev but I don't want to view a blame via commandline, but it's usually easier for me to specify a path on the commandline
looks like sourcetree.exe /? provides some help, and there's a few commands status, log, filelog, commit, but it's pretty bare compared to gitextensions or tortoise
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Hi Seth,
I don't understand your question. I'm trying to determine if I can invoke sourcetree from the command line and browse the changes between two commits. I do this currently with git on the command line but it's really tedious when you have an active project with a lot of committers.
A good example of this is when you are browsing down commits and you see a file diff and you would like to step sideways through changes on that file with log display.
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GitX has a feature like this: you can do
gitx --diff <arguments to git diff>
and see the diff nicely formatted. SourceTree should have a similar command.
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As far as I know, SourceTree is exclusively GUI. The only commands it provides are alternate ways to launch the GUI.
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I'd like be able to browse an active project between releases to see changes and the commit logs for each change. 'git diff branch..branch' is very file oriented. I will do a 'git diff --name-status branch1..branch1' sometimes.
I do this as well...
git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"
git lg -p branch1..branch2 and it's pretty good looking but it's not very usable on large numbers of changes.
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So what differences would you expect in a SourceTree diff?
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