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Credentials helper error still appearing in 3.3.9

School-learner July 17, 2020

I got this error message in sourcetree 3.3.8. I followed another person's solution by removing files in c:\users\<profile name>\atlassian & c:\users\<profile name>\sourcetree and it worked. But in 3.3.9, the same pop up message appears. I wish to ask if there's a different solution. I'm pasting the screenshot in case someone thinks there's a different solution.


sourcetree 3.3.9.JPG

1 answer

1 vote
August 28, 2020

From Powershell, navigate to



./git.exe config --edit --system

#opens config in VI editor

#update [credential] helper

helper = manager





School-learner November 20, 2020

Thank you but is your solution from the support team or you discovered this on your own? Where is this config file located? Can I edit it using notepad?

I have another bigger problem. See this link.

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