Can't push from old Win 7computer or clone to new Win 10 machine using Sourcetree

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March 10, 2020

I've just firedup a new Win10 computer, have installed Sourcetree. I can see my repositories on Bitbucket, but when I try to clone them to the new machine It says the repositiry is not a valid path/URL, but I thinkit's because the login authentication fails. See attached screenshot.

I also just tried a push from the old computer and get a similar result. Have changed the Bitbucket password successfully and can log in using Firefox, but no joy with Sourcetree. One other thing is that it's been months since used Sourcetree on the old machine, just wasn't working on software.

Any ideas out there?


BillSourcetree fail.PNG


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Daniel Eads
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 11, 2020

Hey there!

I see you're trying to pull from Bitbucket Cloud, and that Sourcetree doesn't seem to be configured with a remote account currently. That's probably the easiest path forward - we have some documentation to guide you through setting up a remote account in Sourcetree here. You could also click that "remote account" link at the end of the sentence under the Clone header in your screenshot. This will configure OAuth between Bitbucket and Sourcetree for you so that you don't have to authorize the client with a password. Helpful in the long run if you're going to use more than one repository.

If you want to continue without setting up the remote account, you can definitely do that. I think the confusion here is that Bitbucket no longer accepts passwords for authorization outside the app - you'll need to use an API token or what we call an app password inside Bitbucket. This ensures your password doesn't get compromised somehow - you can have multiple app passwords and revoke them at any time without having to cycle your Bitbucket password.

Here are the instructions for generating an app password and applying it in Sourcetree:

Create an app password

To create an app password:

  1. From your avatar in the bottom left, click Bitbucket settings.
  2. Click App passwords under Access management.
  3. Click Create app password.
  4. Give the app password a name related to the application that will use the password.
  5. Select the specific access and permissions you want this application password to have.
  6. Copy the generated password and either record or paste it into the application you want to give access. The password is only displayed this one time.

Add an app password to Sourcetree or another application

To add your app password to Sourcetree:

  1. Go to the tab where you'll add or edit your account details:
    1. (Windows) Go to Tools > Options. From the Options dialog, select the Authentication tab.
    2. (macOS) Go to Sourcetree > Preferences. From the dialog that options, select the Accounts tab.
  2. Click to Edit your account details or Add a new one.
  3. From Authentication or Auth Type, select Basic, and enter your Username if it's not already there.
  4. Enter the app password you just created as your Password. If you're on Windows, you'll need hit Refresh Password first.
  5. Click OK or Save to save your account details.



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