There're 3 files on master-branch, "test-1.txt", "test-2.txt", "test-3.txt".
1. Create a branch test-branch from master-branch.
2. On test-branch, delete "test-1.txt", "test-2.txt", modify "test-3.txt" and commit.
3. Switch back to master-branch, modify "test-1.txt", "test-2.txt", and "test-3.txt".
4. Switch to test-branch, merge from master-branch. Use SourceTree to resolve the conflict. The target is to use "mine/ours" for all 3 files.
Bug 1: if select all 3 files, and click resolve using mine, Source Tree reports "file locked" error.
Bug 2: if select "test-1.txt", "test-2.txt" and click resolve using mine, no error being thrown, but only one file be resolved dispire both being selected.
Source Tree Version 3.4.19
BTW, there seem to be also bug in this 's text editor box.
When ctrl+c, and ctrl+v, the pasted text always be appended at the end of the textbox.