Bitbucket will not connect with Sourcetree

Kieran Beddow January 21, 2022

I am trying to connect up Sourcetree to my bitbucket however,after attempting both HTTPS & SSH none of the options work. The issues with both HTTPS & SSH are different and I have attached screenshots of both issues I am encountering.

HTTPS: authentication completes and I can access the repository however, when attempting to clone I receive: "This is not a valid source path / URL" when looking at the details it references an invalid username and password however after checking these I can confirm they are correct and there are no cached passwords

SSH: Authentication once again completes and the repository type is detected however when trying to clone the repository I receive: "FATAL ERROR: server unexpectedly closed network connection".

I have also tested older versions of source tree as well as re-adding my account and refreshing the auth tokens however nothing has worked so far please advise.

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Kieran Beddow January 21, 2022

Screenshots of the issue are below

Kieran Beddow January 21, 2022

HTTPS attempt_LI.jpgSSH attempt_LI.jpg

John Hardiman
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January 21, 2022


I had a similar thing happen. I reset the password and even re-installed the software. 

I had no put a credentials manager at start up so I had to do a bit of powershell to get around this: (open as admin)

"cd $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Atlassian\SourceTree\git_local\mingw32\bin\" (without quotes)


"./git.exe config --edit --system" (without quotes)

Inside this file i had to add the word "manager" (without quotes) at the end of the file at the line  "helper ="


Then just quit out like VIM ( press ESC until you are out of insert mode and then":wq" without quotes)

Kieran Beddow January 24, 2022

Hi John, 


That's worked for me thanks for your help!

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