Apparently, I am having issues installing Mercurial

Douglas Keim
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July 11, 2023

First, I do not know for sure that this is Bitbucket (Cloud), but apparently we need to register with it.

I am trying to follow directions that will ultimately let me use GIT that is managed by a company that I do contract work for.  Their instructions start with installing Sourcetree and as part of that select Bitbucket and during the install also install tools which include Git and Mercurial.

However, during the install, I received this error. (since I can't seem to find a way to download an image of the error, I will try to type it all in correctly - bare with me)

POP-UP - Unable to install tool

"Download of Mercurial Credential Manager from failed, because System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden."

I have NOT continued with the install at this point because I am concerned that this failing message will cause the rest of the install to fail.  So, my computer is just sitting there waiting to see if anyone can help resolve this.

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Atlassian Team
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July 12, 2023

Hi Douglas, 

Atlassian made a decision to move away from maintaining and supporting Mercurial repositories in 2019.
This was announced in both a community post and a blog post in the past.

I would suggest that the company updates their documentation as Mercurial is no longer supported by us.


- Ben (Bitbucket Cloud Support)

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