"atlassian-plugin.xml" same weight

Sergei ZH April 9, 2014

Hello, I try to write websection in "atlassian-plugin.xml" with the same weight that already exist, but I get an error.

I tried to run without making any changes. I only create a new section and two item in her.

I have two sections (section1, section2) with same weight = 100. If I set section1.weight = 110 then OK.
but if both weight = 100 or both weight = 115 or another same numbers then i have error like on screenshot.

Was the question https://support.atlassian.com/browse/CSP-121505, and I was sent problem to you.

1 answer

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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April 9, 2014

The weight determines the relative order of sections which means they must be unique. Equal weights is nonsense because you are effectively saying you want the items to occupy the same space. The fix here is to use it as intended - with different weights

Sergei ZH April 9, 2014

OK, but in the future, I want to create about 500 sections with an identical weight, on future it will be possible to eliminate it? :-)

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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April 9, 2014

Er, did you read my original answer?

Sergei ZH April 15, 2014

Thank you! For assistance you can close the question!

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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April 15, 2014

To "close" a question, mark an answer as correct - look for the tick to the left of the avatar of the person who posted the answer

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