2020: Thrive and Execute

Jodi LeBlanc
Rising Star
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January 21, 2020

Hard to believe it is already mid January of a new decade. I wrote a couple of articles back in December called "New Year's Resolutions, Annual Reviews, Past Year Reviews...or None of the Above?" and "Crafting a Vision Board with Trello". Since "My 30-Day Digital Detox" from mid-December to mid-January I had a lot of time to work on my goals and fully map out my plans for the new year.

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I completed Susannah Conway's "Unravel your Year 2020" workbook where one of the steps is looking ahead to 2020, and choosing a word(s) that will guide you intentionally. My two words for 2020 are Thrive and Execute. "Thrive" to put my health and well-being first and to always do my best in other aspects of my life, and "Execute" to get things done. As Mel Robbins says in her book "The 5 Second Rule", when something you need to get done pops in your mind you say to yourself, "5-4-3-2-1" and then immediately take action before your brain tries to make excuses to not do it. If you would like to choose your own word(s) to describe 2020, head on over to One Word 365 for a list of words for inspiration and to help you decide.

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Instead of choosing large goals for 2020, I decided to focus on smaller daily habits that add up to big things over time. My lists in my "Thrive and Execute" Trello Vision Board are:
Morning (routine), Throughout the day, Evening (routine), Weekly Routine, Exercise, Healthy Eating, "Goals: Personal", "Goals: Work", Social, and "Stop Doing".

Each morning I visit this vision board for about 15-20 minutes to review all the actions and make notes on my progress. Keeping my goals top of mind each day so that they are etched in my brain and I am more intentional in taking action. So far the last 2 weeks have been going fantastic, it takes 21 days to create a habit (so I have 17 days in so far), and 90 days to make it part of your lifestyle. 


Wishing you all the best in your 2020 goals! Would love to hear how your month is going and how you stay on track with your goals ♡




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