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Premium Week: Hackathon

Hello, ✨Dream Team, and welcome to Day 3️⃣ of Atlassian Premium Week!

Like any elite Athlete(sian) (see what we did there? 😏), you understand that unlike the old adage, practice does not make perfect. While practice is vital in developing technical and tactical skills, nothing can quite compare to the high-stakes environment of an actual competition for fostering team cohesion and synergy. 🤝

We can’t quite produce a full-blown-Atlassian-Premium-products match or game. However, we CAN create an opportunity for you (and your dream team) to show off those skills you’ve been working on with the software equivalent to a scrimmage: a HACKATHON! 💪

🏆 Here’s how it works: respond to one of the following prompts about how Atlassian Premium products make teamwork a dream. 🤩 All submissions must be shared in the comments of this post, however, the format is open-ended. Feel free to get creative with screenshots or videos, simply publish your response as a discussion here in the Community Premium group and drop the link👇 in the comments.

1️⃣ Elevate a current workflow – let us know how you would make a process better with Atlassian Premium Products: 100 Points (10 entries)

2️⃣ Already a Premium user? Share your Premium hacks or describe what you’ve built with your dream team using Atlassian Premium Products: 100 Points (10 entries)

Bonus Entry (10 points): Comment here what feature you would build to further elevate an Atlassian Premium product

Need some inspo? Check out: 



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meshack musembi November 16, 2021


Anna Sakhno November 17, 2021

It would be great to add the ability to copy Automation rule elements within a single rule.

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G subramanyam
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November 17, 2021

Hi @Gabby Williams I would like to have an elevation of the current workflow using the "analytics" and "release tracks". This would elevate and give a complete view on the planned releases, their respective documentation pages (spaces), insight on the page traffic.

So, end result will be less meetings, more visibility, effective resource and time line planning.

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Mikael Sandberg
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November 17, 2021

As part of SOX we need to keep track of who have access to different systems. And in the past month or so, the IT team is seen an increase in incoming tickets for access to systems. So, as of yesterday we now have a semi-automatic workflow that speeds up the process of getting user access using JSM, Insight, automation, and When an access request is created we use automation to lookup the application object in Insight to get the Okta group and who can approve the request (majority of them can be approved by IT). Once the request is approved, automation kicks off a workflow in that assigns the user to the right Okta group and the request is closed. 

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John Funk
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November 17, 2021

This may seem mundane, but having Unlimited Storage has allowed our product teams to add all needed files directly to issues as they move through the workflow. We are a very heavy content producing organization. Anything from videos to podcasts to blogs/articles and more! 

All of this content moves with the Jira card through the workflow to include Word documents and graphic which contain the content so that they can be copyediting and approved by stakeholders at various steps of the workflow. Everything is self contained on the issue to make it easier and faster for those doing the reviews. 

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John Funk
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November 17, 2021

As far as elevating something to Premium - I would LOVE to see some type of field level security added for premium users. I know there are a couple of new add-ons hitting the Marketplace now that do that function, but having it in Premium would be fantastic!

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Hakeem Olasupo
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November 17, 2021

Jira Software up and running makes it easy to create repeatable, agile workflows. 


Setting up the system make it easy for engineers to pull in epics, stories, and tasks from their backlog to work on during each sprint.


 These standardized, centralized workflows can be shared across teams to provide visibility into what’s being worked on and what’s been completed, save time, and make handoffs smoother and therefore makes teamwork a dream.



Adding a premium and seamless security to Premium product would be fantastic.



I love the Team Calendars premium features as it's really a great feature that improves team work.

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Andy Gladstone
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November 17, 2021


One of the ways that we inspire our internal users to get involved in Confluence is using the Space Analytics tool that comes packaged with a Premium subscription. Each month during our Operations Monthly Cadence Stand Up a Team Space is highlighted based on the statistics that the Space pulled in over the previous month. We highlight the number of pages added, updated and visited to create some healthy jealousy and competition among team leaders - which drives them back to their teams with the initiative to look at how what content has not yet been memorialized in Confluence, how a page can replace an easily misplaced email, and what content may be aging and in need of updating. The Space Analytics tool is an amazing place to test the pulse of the organization as a whole!

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Andy Gladstone
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November 17, 2021


Need I say more? With Unlimited File Storage we have been able to break the confines of Microsoft's Active Directory where users can only see the documents that they have in their own My Documents folders, and not those in their team members or colleagues. By creating an online library and repository of key documents in Confluence, we have eliminated:

  • Redundancy on our network
  • Time spent searching the WWW for a document your neighbor already has
  • Improved searchability based on Confluence's search in both file name and file content
  • Almost solved world peace!

On Standard we were stingy with our storage allocations. With Premium we have opened up a world of possibility for our team members! 

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Andy Gladstone
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November 17, 2021


Has anyone here ever used Server and is now on Cloud? While Cloud is easier for users and admins, it lacks some of the tools that server had. Macro building is something that is missing from Cloud and needs to make it's way into the ecosystem! The applications are endless, but the one I will highlight is the ability to build Macros that can then be used as templates across ALL spaces, bypassing the current Space level limitations for templates. 

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Brant Schroeder
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November 17, 2021

1. Use automations to trigger off of specific fields to apply issue security when an issue is created.  

2. Premium Hack: Sandbox - This is a great feature that I think many forget about.  It allows you to test and validate everything from plugins to new JSM instances without cluttering or putting your production instance at risk.

Bonus Entry: Admin Insights - Need more reports and we need them now.  It is great to see how many users are using the application but it would be even better to see what projects and spaces they spend there time in.  Have the ability to drill down by user or groups, etc.

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Pramodh M
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November 18, 2021

Hi @Gabby Williams 

Auto Integration Between Atlassian Stack of Products makes it easy to interact with some of the Options.

Creating Pages from Jira and JSM, IP Allowlist, Active Users in Insight, Sandbox, Unlimited Storage

Bonus Entry: Copy Project Configuration Schemes, Advanced way to manage Custom Fields.


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Jimmy Seddon
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November 18, 2021

This is a really fun prompt!  Thank you @Gabby Williams!

My company is all in on the Cloud Premium products (Jira Software, Service Management & Confluence).

We recently just re-worked our release process after I showed that we had access to Advanced Roadmaps being a premium subscriber.

We have now included our product teams and built a larger hierarchy using the features offered in Advanced Roadmaps.  This allows our Product team to have more visibility into what work is happening and gives them an easier way to show and report to our upper management on the progress of larger company initiatives.

Unrelated to this, what I would love to see/build is a more visible integration between Confluence and Insight from Jira Service Management.  We would love to be able to make information about our assets more visible to people that don't have an agent license.


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Jimmy Seddon
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November 18, 2021

@Andy Gladstone - I was a Server admin at my previous company before I migrated them to Jira Cloud.  While a can't speak to Confluence server's macro benefits.  I do agree with you about the API capabilities that are available on server that just don't exist on Cloud.  Which is the same reason that some marketplace apps have considerably more functionality for the server version vs the cloud version.

That being said.  I also don't miss the days where I would start an upgrade late at night so that I didn't impact users, or seeing a security vulnerability posting that I knew would require an out of band downtime notification to ensure we patch it.

There are definitely pros and cons to Cloud vs On Prem, but I've been very happy since moving to Cloud.

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Andy Gladstone
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November 18, 2021

@Jimmy Seddon I am with you on that. I'm VERY happy on Cloud, happier than I ever was on Server. That being said, I'd love to see accelerated efforts to make Cloud best in breed, and leave Server and DC in the dust!

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Meg Bailey
Atlassian Team
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November 18, 2021

🥉Premium Week Day 3️⃣ daily drawing winners🥉


Congratulations @Jimmy Seddon @Anna Sakhno @G subramanyam @John Funk @Pramodh M 👏👏👏

Keep an eye out for an email from @Gabby Williams letting you know how to claim your prize. 😊

*You can still qualify for the grand prize so keep participating to earn more entries! 

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Pramodh M
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November 18, 2021

Congratulations to all the winners 😊 🏆

Thank you @Meg Bailey @Gabby Williams Atlassian Team

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G subramanyam
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November 18, 2021

Thank you @Meg Bailey I'm really surprised and you made my weekend with this Day 3 gift.

Happy Friday and weekend to all and hearty congratulations to 3-days winners 😍

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Stephen Bush November 19, 2021

Let's make 2FA an included feature instead of an addon! Show security is a priority!

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