JIra Auatomation rules not passing the {{issue.key}} to opsgenie for opsgenie and JIRA priority sync

Suman Saurabh
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March 8, 2024

I have written a JIRA Automation rule follow this doc 


Based on this i am trying to sync Opsgenie Alert Priority and JIRA Priority , My automation sends the URL Post suecssfully , However at the OG end its not getting changed.



Using issue.key does not works at all 

However when i replace the issue key with OG alert ID the priority get updated 



How to use alias as a field for the web request to be sent via jira . I am already having this feild in my JIRA 

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Alan Violada
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 11, 2024

Hey Suman, Alan from the Opsgenie Support team here.

Alerts that were created via the Jira integration should have the "alias" field set to the Jira issue key, which is what would make that web request to update the priority work.

If the alert was created with an alias that does not match the Jira issue key, the web request would end up failing to be parsed.

I would recommend creating a support ticket at Contact Support so that we can take a look at your instance and logs and figure out if some configuration needs to be tweaked.




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