AWS Cloudwatch Alerts send to more than one team

Andres Felipe Ruge Quintero
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September 1, 2022


I configure an SNS Topic with 3 differents subscriptions, for three different teams in Opsgenie. The Alert is sent 3 times but Opsgenie groups the three alerts in one and only assign the alert to one Responder. It doesn´t alert the members of the others two teams.




Thanks for your help!

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Nick Haller
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 1, 2022

Hi @Andres Felipe Ruge Quintero ,

It sounds like your SNS Topic is triggering three different integrations, and the idea is to have all three integrations create an alert per team.

What appears to be happening is the alerts are deduplicating under one alert. Deduplication occurs when the alias of an alert matches the alias of an open Opsgenie alert:

With this example, it's happening immediately at creation. Also important to note that deduplication can occur across multiple integrations. Only the alias needs to match.

To avoid deduplication, you can edit what parses in the alias field under the integration's Advanced tag:



NOTE - the Advanced tab of an integration is only available on the Opsgenie standalone Standard and Enterprise plans, or the JSM Premium and Enterprise plans.


For this use case, you can add a piece of hardcoded data into the alias field of each integration - such as the integration name along with what's already being parsed:



Another thing to be aware of is the integration uses the alias to close alerts, acknowledge alerts, etc. - so whatever is being using the create alert action's alias should be consistent throughout all of the other integration's actions' alias:



Once these changes are made, this should avoid deduplication moving forward.

Andres Felipe Ruge Quintero
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September 2, 2022

Hi @Nick Haller ,

Thanks for your answer. I don't see the Advanced button enable, so i assume that i dont have the requiered license.

There's any other solution to avoid de duplication?


Thanks again.

Nick Haller
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 2, 2022

Unfortunately there isn't much of another option besides upgrading your plan, since you'll only be able to edit the alias under the Advanced tab. 

By default, the Cloudwatch integration defaults to parsing the {{Region}} - {{AlarmName}} into the alias. 

Esteban Gomez Villa
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October 12, 2022

Hi @Nick H ,

Thanks for your answer. Currently we have plan enterprise and implement a proposed change and 3 alerts were created.



Is posible to created only one alert with escaletion to the 3 teams? For example (edited image):



Nick Haller
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 12, 2022

Hi @Esteban Gomez Villa ,

Yes, that should be possible.

You'd only want to use one AWS integration vs. multiple, and have it global - meaning it's not assigned to a team. This then opens a Responder field within each Create Alert action where you can add the three teams to be responders on the alert like so:


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