Greetings Nonprofit & Social Impact group members.
I am super pumped & proud to introduce myself as one of two Community Leaders (the other is the peerless @Matthias Gaiser _K15t_ ) taking over the helm of this group, and together, under the guidance of @Emma Schnee (of the Atlassian Foundation team), we are bringing a new energy to it!
Before I introduce myself with the "Who...?", I wanted to start with the "Why...?" (Simon Sinek... LOLz).
There are two core reasons as to why I have put my hat in the ring to become this group's moderator and Community Leader:
1) With a rich career in Digital transformation spanning almost 20yr, I have a lot of knowledge to share. Specifically, over the years, through my consulting work, I've helped a lot of Nonprofits get to grips with the inner workings of Atlassian's Nonprofit offerings - in particular the discounts and free products packages available to them.
One such success story is who utilitizes Jira for their day2day management tasks, but in particular JSM, Assets, and a Marketplace App called Custom Carts, to manage all their Field Ops R&D Machinery, that is vital to the work they do across the world.
2) I love to help charities as much as possible. I am a bit nervous at giving people money without knowing how it is being used exactly, and so more often than not I will be diving in and getting my hands dirty!! One of my favourite initiatives is the yearly - whereby individuals, groups and companies, can sign up for any local charity looking for assistance, and then for 2 - 3 days, there is a big push on charity work.
And just last year my Community Chapter, ACE Rotterdam, helped raise EUR 10k for the local hospital through our Charity Event: Enterprisedam.
TL:DR - just search "Fun Man Andy" in this Online Community or on Google... the best, more professional article about me is this one -> Community Showcase: Fun Man Andy (but it is old. Some stuff has changed over the years, but not much tbh).
But the most important aspect you need to know about me is my love of knowledge management and that sharing of that knowledge. One of my favourite mottos I live my life by is:
"Knowledge is power! Sharing knowledge is powerful!!"
...and share my knowledge I shall! Together with Matthias & Emma, I shall be looking to ensure that all Nonprofit organisations, and anyone involved in social impact initiatives, that using the Atlassian stack, or are in need of powerful tooling to assist with their everyday visions & strategies, know exactly where to come to when they need help, have questions, or just want to share their own success stories.
It's going to be utterly #amazaballz.
I can't wait to get going!!
If we're not following each other or connected on the socials, don't be shy!!
Fun Man Andy
ACE Rotterdam: Chapter Leader
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