Jira Calendar routine tickets

Ron Hill
January 12, 2022

Our team initiates Jira tickets on a routine (i.e. on the 2nd and 21st a ticket is created for 1 item, and on the 7th a ticket is created for another item, as well as separate tickets for the  11th and 25th of every month. * total 4 different tickets). I'd like to utilize a calendar and load the items for a monthly routine and be able to mirror/copy that month over month to re-initiate tickets. Possibly using the full calendar as a Sprint.

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John Funk
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January 12, 2022

Hi Ron - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

I would use a Jira Work Management project, which has the built-in Calendar feature. And then use Automation for Jira for automatically creating the tickets on a recurring basis. 

Ron Hill
June 2, 2022

thanks John!

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