Very new to Jira...

Bernadette Halas
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April 10, 2023

Hi - I'm an executive assistant and need to get up to speed quickly on how to read, interpret and use Jira so I can support my executive. I specifically want to know how I can see and access the tasks that have been assigned to him so I can begin to schedule time in his day to focus on these. And I would also need to know who I should reach out to for information and training should I need it. Any guidance here would be very much appreciated. Thanks!



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Johnny FromCanada
April 10, 2023

To get going quickly:

Create a Kanban board with a basic workflow, such as: To Do, Doing, Done.

Create issues of type “Task”.

Use the “Assignee” field to indicate which user is accountable, in this case, your executive or yourself.

At the top of the Kanban board, select the avatar of the user you want to filter the board by.

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Victor Barros
April 10, 2023

Hello @Bernadette Halas if you are going to use Jira with your executive, it will be good to have a clear vision from Jira and the resources. Should be nice to have a quick call with you so we can manage and solve your questions.

Let me know, send a email to me

Amanda Barber
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April 11, 2023

I would start with the Jira Fundamentals course found here!

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