Browser skips to answer box

Itamar Weisberg May 16, 2024

I'm in the process of trying out QfC and I've noticed when loading a question page, the browser (Edge, Chrome and Firefox) will automatically skip down and focus on the "answer" text box, when what I expect is for it to stay at the top of the page, showing the highest-voted answer.

Is this a known issue? Can you assist in preventing this?

This would be very annoying for users and can affect our decision to purchase the plugin.

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Andy Gladstone
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May 16, 2024

@Itamar Weisberg Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

This does seem like a bug, but does not seem like a known issue. JAC ( is where you can search all known and reported bugs, suggestions and support requests for the multitude of Atlassian Cloud and Data Center products to determine whether your issue has been reported or is being worked on. You should bookmark it for future use.

I did search, and based on my search parameters, this issue does not appear to be reported.


Itamar Weisberg May 19, 2024

Thanks. I've opened a support ticket.

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