Welcome! Please Introduce Yourself!

Hey everyone,

It's a pleasure to welcome you to our online community for those in the Minneapolis-Twin Cities area. We're thrilled to kick off this platform, offering a place for everyone to share their insights, skills, and stories.

As you explore this space, take a moment to navigate through the Community site. You'll find an extensive repository of information on Atlassian products, industry standards, and plenty of entertaining content.

Feel free to use this thread to introduce yourself and virtually meet fellow Atlassian enthusiasts nearby. Make sure you don't miss out on the opportunity to connect with us at our upcoming community gathering. Click HERE to find our latest events and join to never miss an event.  

Places to start:
Featured Groups for  Inclusion and Diversity and Jobs and Careers

For new folks you will want to check out the Frequently Asked Questions  and Community Guidlines.



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