Support for issue - Listener stopped working for add-on

Deleted user November 11, 2014


Our listener has stopped working for the add-on, more details below, please assist/advise.

License details:

500-user commercial license, Standard, expires 07/Nov/15




Admin->Advanced->Listeners->Slingshot UpdateFields->/var/atlassian/application-data/jira/plugin-configs/slingshot-updatefields/update_subtasks.xml


2014-11-11 13:17:49,278 http-bio-443-exec-106300 ERROR APunt 797x7035044x3 os67fk /rest/greenhopper/1.0/sprint/rank [tiltedsolutions.slingshot.license.LicenseManagerContainer] [com.tiltedsolutions.slingshot.license.LicenseManagerContainer@1240735252] Stopping execution because plugin license resources are missing. org.springframework.osgi.service.importer.ServiceProxyDestroyedException: service proxy has been destroyed

Only recent change:

The Universal Plugin Manager was upgraded to  (v2.17.5) from (v2.18.1).


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SlingshotUpdatefields xmlns="">


        <customfield name="Assigned Team" id="team"/>

        <duedate id="due"/>

        <customfield name="Epic/Theme" id="theme" />

        <subtasks optional="false">

            <customfield name="Assigned Team" set="{team}"/>

            <duedate set="{due}" gt="{due}"/>

            <customfield name="Epic/Theme" set="{theme}" />




        <status id="subtask.status" eq="'In Progress'"/>

        <parent optional="false">

            <status set="{subtask.status}"/>




        <type eq="Epic"/>

        <customfield name="Epic/Theme" id="theme"/>

        <linked direction="out" linktype="is Epic of">

            <customfield name="Epic/Theme" set="{theme}"/>




        <type ne="Epic"/>

        <status id="issue.status" eq="'In Progress'"/>

        <linked direction="out" linktype="is Epic of">

            <status set="{issue.status}"/>



1 answer

0 votes
Jos Braaksma December 10, 2014

v2.1.5 is now available for JIRA 6.1 - 6.3.12

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