empty string vs the string "empty"

Peter Babel
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October 5, 2014


is it possible to configure the option "Add an empty value" from entering the string "emtpy" to an emtpy string?

Right now our validators will allow an empty value (as is {}) but not the string "empty" so users who want to choose an emtpy value in a query issue custom field will have to manually delete the string empty in order to transisiton the issue.

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Peter Babel
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
October 5, 2014

I just noticed that this question might be a duplicate to bug # 19 https://bitbucket.org/amarkelov/andreymarkelov-atlas-plugins-qcf/issue/19/empty-value-validator

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