Xray beginner - need answers

Louise Coffey
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March 27, 2022



Im a beginner to Xray and Im trialing it for my company. Management will be looking to me soon to verify if we will go with the paid version of Xray. Im impressed with it and will say yes. But Im new to it and still getting used to it. So my query: 


I have 3 test sets called Functional Customer, Functional Guest and Functional Business. I haver 15 test cases that are the same but I've linked them all to the 3 different test sets. But I need to have a pre-condition for the first test case in each test set saying 'Be logged in as a guest, business and customer. But I cant really do this can I? To have 3 different preconditions under 1 test within 3 test sets? So again I have 15 test cases, 3 pre conditions and 3 test sets. Can you re-use a group of tests within 3 test sets and the first test case in each test set have a different pre-condition?????

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