Using Jira Automation, how can I copy from subtask to parent

Chad Wolpert July 17, 2018

I have a few subtasks, and each subtask goes through a small workflow


For example in "Test Issue 1", I have a subtask called "Audio"

"Audio" goes through the following workflow: Start -> Audio Recording -> Audio Editing -> Done

Person x will work on Audio Recording while person y or z (or anyone else) will be assigned to Audio Editing.

I then want to copy the username of the person who did the Audio Editing into the custom field "Audio Editor" of "Test Issue 1"

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July 17, 2018

Hi @Chad Wolpert - Welcome to Community! :)

Not sure if this is possible using "JIRA Automation". I know that JIRA Suite Utilities have ability to copy value from other filed ( This should be good for your requirement. If not then Script Runner might be handy here.

Overall on the parent you already have information who is assigned to a sub-task...


And if the Audio Editing is the last action you do not need to copy the value to know who was it.

Chad Wolpert July 17, 2018

The issue I have is that one subtask is done by multiple people, so even though on the parent task I can see the person who did the last action, I also want to be able to see who did the prior actions (like the audio recording)

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July 17, 2018

Hmm.. Can you change your design to have standard sub-task with workflow TODO -> IN PROGESS -> DONE and create two sub-tasks called Audio Recording and Audio Editing? 

If not then you need to try with Script Runner or any other solution that would use Post Function (JSU) or REST API executed on transition and updating field values. It is definitely possible.

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July 17, 2018

I do not think that this is possible using "JIRA Automation". When using JSU there is a post function that copy a value from other field. It should cover your requirement. If not then Script Runner might be handy here.

Overall I am not sure why you need to copy that since on the parent you see all sub-tasks and can see who was assigned to it.


So if the Audio Editing was thee last action it would be always the last assignee

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