Update final Copy of a space - with all confiforms names

February 2, 2024

Hello together,

Situation: I create a space in confluence, with an database, registration, and lots of sites with confiforms table views, value views, and so on.
When i copy the space i can change all names of the sites - thats perfect, but ...

Problem: Now at first i have to change the database name, ok thats fast - but all sites with the view datas or registrations have the link to the old space.
So now i have to change on every site the confiforms view properties: Form Name and PageTitle.

Is there an opinion to change all these with one step.
Something like

Find this string in the form Name and Page Title *Theme2* on this page and all under it and replace it with *Theme3*

Have someone an idea to solve the problem or another way ....
Thanks very much and best regards


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