Transitions tab not up to date (Audit issue)

Stefan de Pagter November 19, 2015

Hi Antonella,

The normal JIRA "Transition" tab is not having all the information of the statusses;

Transition TAB.jpg

 I am missing the transitions:

  • Implementer - CAB
  • CAB - Approved

These transitions are captured in the approval history tab. That is fine but can we also copy these transitions to the transition tab? 

It will be difficult to explain the auditors and I think all transitions should be covered in the "Transitions" tab.

Will this be an easy fix?




3 answers

0 votes
Stefan de Pagter November 20, 2015

fixed! thanks for the great help!



0 votes
Stefan de Pagter November 19, 2015

Hi Antonella, we will have a look. Thank you for the detailed explination.

Regards, Stefan

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Antonella Capalbo
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 19, 2015

I suppose you have configured the Automatic Transitioning AWT on your Approval Mapping.

The Automatic transitioning can be set as Forced or Responsive. I suppose you have left the default setting, Forced.

In order to capture the transitions in the Transition tab you need to navigate the Automatic workflow transition global settings screen and check the Responsive Automatic Transition box.

On selecting the Responsive Automatic Transition, it is mandatory to select a User. The selected user will be recorder on the two Tabs as the Executor of the transition.

I suggest using an account not associated to a real user so that it can be clear that the issue has been transitioned by the system.

Page details the topic.

Best Regards,


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