Text Box with Image or Content Template

UJ July 16, 2018

I am looking for a plugin where we can use text boxes with our own images OR a content template plugin.

I'm talking about boxes as seen in mayn technical books:

tip book.PNG


But I have to be able to replace the images with my own that are according to the ISO standard.

So far I have found many info/text boxes that look nice but have a fixed image/icon:


An alternative would be templates that can be inserted consisting of a table with image and then I would create for each box a template. However, I only find templates for complete pages. Has somebody a good idea?

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Zak Laughton
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 30, 2018

Hi Urs!

There are probably a few ways to do this. I'm just going to let you know what I would do, but of course that doesn't mean it's the only or best way.

I'm not aware of any plugins that have this functionality, and if it were me, I'd probably go with the template idea. However, instead of a table, I'd try panel and column macros.

Creating the template

To create the template...

  1. Create a new page with two column macros inside a panel macro.
  2. Set the first column macro to 15%
  3. Put the desired image into the first column. (be sure to set the image size to Original, which will let the column size scale with the window)
    Screen Shot 2018-07-30 at 5.19.40 PM.png
  4. Put any text content in the second column.
  5. At this point, everything in the editor should look something like this:
    Screen Shot 2018-07-30 at 5.20.24 PM.png
  6. Save the page and see your shiny new message box:
    Screen Shot 2018-07-30 at 5.24.49 PM.png
  7. For a neater look, you can also add a third Column macro with 3% width between the other two to add some spacing:
    Screen Shot 2018-07-30 at 5.27.25 PM.png

Using the template

It's true that Confluence only has templates for pages, but you can also save these templates on an easy-to-access (or bookmarked) "Templates" page you can use to copy from. You can also include the message box at the bottom of a page template, then use this page template to create new pages where you know you'll need to use this type of message box.

To copy the template:

  1. Go to the editor
  2. Click the frame of the "Panel" macro to select the entire message box
  3. Copy (Right-click > Copy or keyboard shortcut)
  4. Paste wherever you want it, and replace the image/text to suit your needs.

So this isn't exactly a "one-click" solution, but it should give you a nice looking message box without too much effort.

User macros

You could also try to create a user macro for this functionality. Theoretically, you might be able to make a macro that takes an image and text and displays a nice-looking message box, but this might take a bit of experimentation. For more info on user macros, see Writing User Macros.

I hope this helps!

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