Table view filter based on multi select field

February 1, 2023

Hi there


trying to find the formula on how to filter dataset based on a multi select field value 


for instance

multi select dropdown field name is color and contain the values

Id: B

Value: Black

Id: W

value: White


One of the record has Black and White


in table view confiform would like to filter based on color contain black

I tried this: color.asArrayOfIds:B

but doesn't work, please help

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February 1, 2023

I figured this answer,*B*. Works fine but not sure if there is a better answer

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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February 1, 2023

This really as simple as just having this



February 2, 2023

Hi @Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ 


yes if the value is single selection, but remember the field is multi select Color so I could have black and white as a value, your suggestion was my first attempt but only work if value only black but it doesn’t work when I have both Colors

so I hope my solution *B* is correct as I want return any records that contain black 


Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Community Leader
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February 2, 2023

Well... then just put

color:B OR color:W


February 2, 2023

Not sure if that will work, i simplified the values here, I could have 15 colors. My goal is get me records that contain black 

Color is multi select drop-down, so some records has only black some has on white some has both 

The result I am looking for any records that contain black in multi select value, therefore I shouldn’t get records with white only, I should get a records with black only or records with black and white 


Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Community Leader
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February 2, 2023

Then you just put


as explained before

February 2, 2023

Oh I see, I was trying with color.Id:B  

thanks! will try color:B 

February 2, 2023

It worked, thanks again

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