Sum-up and scripted fields

Mateusz Pluta
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October 28, 2014


I am using groovy scripted custom field (Script Runner addon) to calculate bugs weight based on priority. Here is a code for this field:

if(issue.priority?.name == "Major")
return 3D
else if (issue.priority?.name == "Critical")
return 5D
else if(issue.priority?.name == "Blocker")
return 8D
return 1D


Other info on this field:

Searcher: Number Searcher
Template: Number Field

I want use sum-up plugin to sum up this field but apparently sth is wrong with this scripted field because I do not get result I want. Total row is always empty for this field. It works perfectly for system fields like Story Points. 

What am I doing wrong?

Best regards



2 answers

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Julian Riedinger _Decadis AG_
Rising Star
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December 17, 2014

Hey Mateusz,

SumUp currently does not support scripted fields. We have this definitely on our roadmap, but it is very hard to integrate.Especially against the background that sumUp is a free Add On


Cheers Julian

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Rising Star
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October 30, 2014

You'll need to get a view on what type of fields it supports, maybe it's only Integer fields or whatever. You can ask them to enhance it...

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