Setting up customers to view/approve timesheets

Knowlogic May 20, 2013

I'm trying to setup my Tempo permission to allow my customers to view team timesheets. In JIRA I created a Customer group and have given the Customer group the following permissions in JIRA:

Global Permissions: JIRA Users and Browse Users

Additionally under the Permission scheme Customers can:

Create/Edit/Schedule Issues, Vote on Issues, Add/Edit Comments.

In Tempo permission for Customers have been set to: Team Manager and Time Tracking

The problem is when the Customer views a user or Team Members timesheet and clicks on an entry they can see the planned work description, but the actual work description says "No Access"

Does any know what is missing?

I even tried giving them to the Tempo Administrator rights but that did not solve this problem.

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Sverrir Tynes [Tempo]
Rising Star
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May 20, 2013


It looks like that you are not using the latest Tempo version as before Tempo 7.6 No access was displayed if user do not have Browse Issues or Log Work on issues permission. In Tempo 7.6 we released the following issue that requires Browse permission only.

Hope this helps

Sverrir Tynes
Tempo support

Knowlogic May 25, 2013

I'm using the version supplied with Atlassian OnDemand which is Wish they'ed update it.

Viðar Svansson [Tempo]
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 26, 2013

The update is on the way

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