Set issue status after convert issue to sub-task

Frank Winkler October 11, 2017


would it be possible to set the issue/task status after converting:

  • an issue to a sub task or
  • a sub task to an issue.

using Automation (Lite) for Jira? Thanks in advance!


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October 11, 2017

Hi Frank,

So it's a bit tricky to do this, mainly because Jira doesn't have a specific event for this case, but simply treats it as an issue updated event for the issue type.

What you can do is setup 2 rules like this:

  • Trigger: Field value changed and select issue type
  • Compare condition:
    • First value: {{fieldChange.fromString}} -> {{fieldChange.toString}}
    • Equals
    • Second value: Task -> Sub-task
  • Action: Transition issue to target status


Basically map the Second value to what you need.

You could also use a JQL condition to check for "issuetype in subtaskIssueTypes()" or "issuetype NOT IN subtaskIssueTypes()", but this might also trigger if the issue type is changed from one sub-task type to another (not only on convert from sub-task to issue)



Frank Winkler October 12, 2017

Hi Andreas,

thanks a lot. At the moment I haven't installed Automation Lite (because I wasn't sure if this could be done with it). But after your reply I have to give it a try.

Best regards!


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