Quantify - Issue with Exporting Report

March 15, 2023

I currently am using Jira Cloud and have installed the Quantify Time Spent and Time Spent Pro within my Sandbox environment for testing.  The issue that I am having is I created a custom field for Email Address of Assignee - I also have automation implemented that auto-populates this field when an issue is updated.

The problem that I run into is when I add this field to the export criteria and proceed to do the export the column is listed and there are few cells that contain the email address of the assignees.  I dug through the report and validated that all issues have the field populated.  

I did a little more research and found that their is no rhyme or reason why it isn't populating this information - I checked issue status / issue type / user account.  In the screen shot below show what I am seeing.  If there is any idea of what is causing the issue - I have yet to try to replicate it to another project to see if it is consistent.

Screenshot 2023-03-15 110506.png

1 answer

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April 10, 2023

I just wanted to see if anyone else has seen this issues?  I added another custom field called Work Type which is a drop down list, I have one test project that has all of its issues populated with content from that field.  The issue again is when I added Work Type to the Time Spent Export a good portion of the issues will only display a blank space instead of content.

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