Project Configurator doesn't create a service desk (front end) in JIRA 7 Service Desk 3 when importing a Project, does it?

Melvin Vasquez March 1, 2016

I have JIRA Service Desk 3 and I tried to export/import a project using project configurator but the result wasn't good, it does create a project and its configuration as well but it doesn't create the service desk part, so I can't have a portal and I can't create one like in the old version (JIRA 6.3)

What did I do wrong? Is there a way to fix it?

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José Marañón [Awnaba Software S.L.]
Rising Star
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March 1, 2016

You did not do anything wrong. Simply, Service Desk specific objects, like portals or SLAs, are not supported by Project Configurator now (we intend to have a solution for this in the mid term...). This is the reason your project and all the "core" parts of its configuration were created, but not the objects specific to JIRA Service Desk.

You can read the complete list of supported objects in this page of the plugin documentation.

Gaven Ray April 26, 2017

Is there any ETA on this? I was hoping to use this to move the project from a Dev System to our Production system using this. 

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