Proforma Forms - Adding a creation date

Sean Wood March 31, 2022

Dear all,

Is there a way to add the create date of a form automatically and have this appear as part of the generated PDF after the form is complete?





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Ste Wright
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April 3, 2022

Hi @Sean Wood 

Not using these forms, as far as I know.

You could...

  • Add a custom field - Form Created Date
  • Add it to the form, and add a note not to populate it
  • Use Automation to populate it post-creation (and it'll also populate on the form)

...but it's not a great workaround. I also found when I tried it that the time didn't reflect my timezone, so it might be a little temperamental.


Sean Wood April 3, 2022

Hi @Ste Wright ,

Yup. Understood.

Appreciate you provide the info. I'll look to using Automation as you suggested.





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