Jira Zendesk Integration

Fiona Brown February 22, 2023

We have Jira - Zendesk  field syncing set up via a Webhook so that the Jira Key is synced to Zendesk into field 'jira#'. This is working fine however if the Jira ticket is Moved from one project to another, the jira# field isn't getting updated. 


The Webhook is set up to update for create/update etc: 


Does anyone know how to make sure the jira#  field gets updated when the Jira is moved from one project to another (and therefore key changes)? 



2 answers

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Fiona Brown February 22, 2023

Got this to work. I'm not sure if this is why but I added in this setting to the Webhook: 


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vincentsynan February 28, 2023

Hi @Fiona Brown - I am about to begin work on a similar project. It looks like you resovled your issue - great work!

Can I check something?

Are you able to create a Jira ticket automatically via webhooks whenever a Zendesk ticket is created? Because that would be our preferred approach.


Fiona Brown March 1, 2023

Hi Vincent, 

I didn't actually set up the Webhook in Zendesk - it was already there but I was adding fields to it. I believe following this link should help you -> https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408837969946-Setting-up-the-Zendesk-Support-for-Jira-integration 

vincentsynan March 1, 2023

Thanks Fiona..

Have you got it working so that:

IF You create a ticket in Zendesk
THEN the webhook automatically creates a ticket in JIRA?



Fiona Brown March 1, 2023

No - that's not something we want or need. We have it so that if an agent clicks on create issue in the Jira App widget on right hand side they can create a Jira ticket linked to the Zendesk

vincentsynan March 1, 2023

OK - so a manual creation. All good thanks Fiona.
I think there's a way to do it automatically. I will keep hunting!


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