JIRA and Slack Team Specific Updates

Jorge A Garcia
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August 21, 2017

Is it possible to have a channel in Slack only update with cards/events that are specific to a team within a prjoject?  

For example, I may have a project that has multiple teams in JIRA, and I have channels for each team in Slack, can each channel get update from JIRA without ALSO getting updates from separate teams in the same project?

I have a dev team, a UI/UX team, and a QA team, all on the same project. Can their Slack channels only subscribe to updates that include their teams?

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Alex Christensen
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September 12, 2017

Are you on JIRA Server? On server, you should be able to set up a webhook using any JQL to post updates to a Slack channel. If you can come up with JQL that divides the issues up into the appropriate teams, then you should be able to acheive this.

I'm not sure how you have your teams set up in your instance (i.e. by groups, project roles, each team is a component, or some other thing), so I can't really help with the specific JQL, but hopefully that gets you started down the right path.

If you're on JIRA Cloud, I don't think you can be as specific with your queries - I think you can only filter by issue type and priority when configuring notifications to post to a Slack channel.

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