JIRA HERO - Compatibility with JIRA 5.2?

James Elliott
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April 16, 2013

JIRA HERO seems like a fun plugin, and I was hoping to deploy it in a JIRA 5.2 installation, but it doesn't appear that it quite works.

Admittedly, the plugin page doesn't include 5.2 among the supported versions, but I was hoping somebody else has had some success with it, or has updated it to support 5.2

Specifically, most of the achievements don't seem to work. The leveling system does though.

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Rising Star
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April 17, 2013

It looks liek the latest (JIRA Hero v.0.0.11) is using some classes not supported in 5.2, and also has a number of deprecated calls leaving the plugin in danger of working even less in future versions.


Have you submitted a ticket directly with the vendor of JIRA Hero?


James Elliott
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 18, 2013

Haven't yet, but it seems the project is no longer being maintained, sadly.

Well, maybe upgrading it will make a fun weekend project sometime. =]

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