JEMH configuration settings import

Patrick Bruen
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April 9, 2013

Is there a method to set up or manage profiles, project associations, or issue listeners via a csv, xml, or other load file mathod? When setting up a large number of projects, it becomes incredibly unwieldy to manage the following two areas:

Non Jira notifications (set up in the issue listener)
Default project mappings based on group or domain

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Andy Brook [Plugin People]
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April 9, 2013

Hi Patrick,

When you mention 'Default project mappings based on group or domain', are you talking about Profile Project Mappings? These are included the existing Profile export that includes everything configured through a Profile.

TemplateSets that are referred through a Profile can be exported/imported on an individial basis.

I agree the IssueListener configuration needs a similar feature, I have not had time to get there. I want to imrpove/simplify the Issue Listener Project Mappings so allow a default entry, and to permit mulitple project keys per Mapping. I can see the overhead for multiple projects would be a pain to migrate.

- (mulitple projects in a Project Mapping)

- (import/export feature for IssueListener)

Patrick Bruen
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 9, 2013

Thanks for the quick response Andy,

I was hoping that there was similar functionality which exists for the profile mappings (import and export), and that the functionality / opton was difficult to find or something. Having this added would be a great improvement, as managing this via the interface is incredibly difficult and error prone.

Setting a default setting with multiple projects would also be helpful, especially if projects can be chosen in bulk. For our purposes, using this globally for all projects, with the same default settings, would be the preferred use case.

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