Issue with three gadgets

Michael Dennis
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January 3, 2013

Hi - I am evaluating pro fields. The trial version has been installed and appears to be fine and two of the gadgets are working. However, three of the gadgets do not appear to be working. Two dimensional project statistics, project time sheet & one field statistics. These show a red bar under each slection list and cannot be saved. Any suggestions as to the cause?





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Leo Diaz _ DEISER
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January 3, 2013

Hi Michael,

First of all, thank you very much for your interest about Profields, I'm pleased to offer our supporting system at If you create an account it's possible to create and track any issue you could consider interesting to send us. This services is offered free of charge to all the companies evaluating/using any of our products. Of course you can also use the email but that way you will receive a better service and your questions will be notified to several persons.

Sorry for the inconveniences.



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