Insight discovery 'Mandatory Hostname' Error while running

Gustavo Delazari Borges November 9, 2020

I'm using Discovery on a Windows Environment, and when a try to collect data from my Windows servers, I get the following error according to the logs: Error: Mandatory Hostname missing for:

This is just a test with the discovery tool. These errors only occur when I use the "..._PS.pat" patterns. WMI patterns work properly.


Here is the log content:

09/11/2020 20:00:28 : Start scan...
09/11/2020 20:00:28 : --------------- Start Discovery ( - 7896C) scan ---------------
09/11/2020 20:00:28 : ScanSetting: 00014 with entire Range:
09/11/2020 20:00:28 : Generating list of IP's to scan from range:
09/11/2020 20:00:28 : Getting 1 IP's to scan.
09/11/2020 20:00:28 : Start Scan Thread: 00014 IP: TaskID: 0000000001
09/11/2020 20:00:28 : Start Scan Thread: 00014 IP: TaskID: 0000000001
09/11/2020 20:00:28 : Start getting HostInfo.
09/11/2020 20:00:28 : Start Scan:
09/11/2020 20:00:28 : Ping --> Success ResponseTime=0ms TTL=128
09/11/2020 20:00:28 : We have 3 credentials in total.
09/11/2020 20:00:28 : 0 Known-Credentials found.
09/11/2020 20:00:28 : We have 1 credential(s) that are matching for the Scan-Setting 00014, all other credentials will be ignored!
09/11/2020 20:00:28 : We have 1 credential(s) configured for all Scan-Settings.
09/11/2020 20:00:28 : We have 2 possible credetentials for the ip
09/11/2020 20:00:28 : Start WMI/PowerShell-Connection (c35c42a9-2805-4bbf-86d6-3cafe1017450) to
09/11/2020 20:00:29 : Finish WMI/PowerShell-Connection (c35c42a9-2805-4bbf-86d6-3cafe1017450) to - used 0,3405972 seconds - result: True
09/11/2020 20:00:29 : Connected to with WMI-Credential: c35c42a9-2805-4bbf-86d6-3cafe1017450
09/11/2020 20:00:29 : Using pattern: Windows_Hostinfo_Timezone_PS.pat (v1.0.0)
09/11/2020 20:00:29 : pattern executed in 0,5392965 seconds
09/11/2020 20:00:29 : Error: Mandatory Hostname missing for:
09/11/2020 20:00:29 : Total used scantime 0,988675 seconds.
09/11/2020 20:00:29 : Finish scan for
09/11/2020 20:00:29 : Getting 1 HostInfo (RAW)
09/11/2020 20:00:29 : Start getting DeviceInfo.
09/11/2020 20:00:29 : No known credentials found.
09/11/2020 20:00:29 : No known credentials found.
09/11/2020 20:00:29 : Getting 0 DeviceInfo (RAW)
09/11/2020 20:00:29 : Start getting SNMP HostList.
09/11/2020 20:00:29 : Getting 0 SNMP Hosts (RAW)
09/11/2020 20:00:30 : Scan Threads: waiting=0, running=0, stopped=1, sum=1
09/11/2020 20:00:30 : Deleting (Tagged-Host)
09/11/2020 20:00:30 : -------------- Discovery scan Statistic --------------
09/11/2020 20:00:30 : Possible IPs: 1
09/11/2020 20:00:30 : Reachable Host/Devices: 1
09/11/2020 20:00:30 : Deleted Hosts (tagged for delete): 1
09/11/2020 20:00:30 : Full scan time 1 seconds with 8 threads.
09/11/2020 20:00:30 : -----------------------------------------------

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Gustavo Delazari Borges January 26, 2021

The problem was related to the user I've configured in the Discovery credentials.

I changed it to a user that have root permissions and the next scan didn't show any errors.

June 8, 2024

i have all the permissions in my mac but still have Error: Mandatory Hostname missing for
can you suggest any help

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September 13, 2024

@OMAR MOHAMED AHMED MOHAMED FATHY , did you ever get an answer to this? I'm running into this myself with MacOS

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