Insight: Update objects instead of importing

Christian Schmidt
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August 2, 2018

I have a scenario where I've imported a bunch of objects from one source, in this case LDAP Computer Objects. Via this import, I set the FQDN / Hostname as Name (key) / Operating System. I've split these up in to their separate OU's (ie. Desktops / Laptops / Server\Application / Server\Exchange etc).

I now have a second set of data, in this case a database, which I want to use to update the existing objects with missing data. This database however contains ALL Computer Objects, and the issue I'm having is, I'm trying to import the IP's for JUST the servers. It updates the servers with the correct IP matching on the Name key but it then CREATES duplicates of all the other computer objects in the database under the Servers group. Can someone please assist me in writing a IQL function that only UPDATES on name match, instead of importing the whole lot? Thanks!

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