I need a script to hide the "create" button on a project screen.

Marlena Shelton August 22, 2018

When ever we close out and issue (Jira ticket) to External the post transitions create an external ticket which is tracked under the external project. I need to hide the create button on the external project. I don't want people going in to that project and directly opening external tickets that way. Is this possible with a SIL script?

1 answer

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Alexey Matveev
Rising Star
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August 22, 2018


As far as I understand you do not want a user to select a certain project, while creating an issue. If so, then try to do it with the LIve Fields feature.

You could write a code like this:

string[] hiddenProjects = {"Your project name"};
lfRestrictSelectOptions("project", hiddenProjects);

 You can find more info on Live Fields here:


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