I have created a rule: When story is created- add tasks.

Thea de Villiers June 15, 2020

The task does not appear on the Jira board- what rule to I create to show the task on the board- not just in the story?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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June 15, 2020

An issue will appear on the board if the board selects for it.

Your question suggests that your "tasks" are sub-tasks, which will be selected by the board if their parent issue is selected.  They will then appear inside their parent story because they are a part of it.

Thea de Villiers June 15, 2020

I specifically want it as a task- not a sub-task. And I want it to appear on the board- in the story and visible on the board

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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June 15, 2020

Ok, so your board is not selecting for tasks.  You'll need to amend the filter so that it includes issue-level tasks as well as stories. 

But, you say you want tasks to appear in the story and also "not a sub-task".  You need to make up your mind whether you want tasks to be sub-tasks or not.  They can't be both.

Thea de Villiers June 15, 2020

My mind is made up- as stated from the beginning, I do not want to use sub-tasks. And my board is set up to show tasks. If I create a task manually, it appears on the board, and if the task is created through automation it does not appear on the board.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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June 15, 2020

But your description strongly implied that you were.

So, the question now is "what is the board filter"?  As it is not selecting for your automated tasks, there must be something different to your stories that the filter is excluding.

Thea de Villiers June 15, 2020

I got a bit busy now- and the story and tasks are visible on the board. Not sure what changed, or whether it just took time to deploy.

Thank you

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