How would one populate a Jira Custom Field everytime a Confiforms form is submitted?

Curtis Freudigmann
August 15, 2018

Hello again!

I am working on a Confiforms form and I am using IFTTT to create a Jira Issue when the form is submitted. I have been able to get a summary and description to work perfectly. However, there is a custom field for the issue type that is being created which, based on the selection, chooses which board to show it on.

Below is the code that I have that works:

   "fields": {
          "key": "ID"
   "summary": "[entry.Summary]",
   "description":"File Direction: [entry.fileDirection], Source Type: [entry.sourceType], 
Source Resource: [entry.sourceResource], Source Path: [entry.sourcePath],
Source File Pattern: [entry.sourceFilePattern], Source Delete: [entry.sourceDelete],
Rename: [entry.rename], Zip Name: [entry.zipName], PGP Key Name: [entry.pgpKeyName],
Target Type: [entry.targetType], Target Resource: [entry.targetResource],
Target Path: [entry.targetPath], Target To Email: [entry.targetToEmail],
Target From Email: [entry.targetFromEmail], Target Email Code: [entry.targetEmailCode],
Notify Failure: [entry.notifyFailure], Notify Success: [entry.notifySuccess],
Additional Comments: [entry.additionalComments]",   "issuetype": { "name": "IT Help" } } }


So I would like to add:

"customfield_12703": "Apps Admin",

But it errors out. I have tried to add it in different places within working block of code to no avail.

I have already visited

as well as

and I was unable to find the answer I was looking for.

Any help or information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


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Davin Studer
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 4, 2018

What is your field type? Is it a dropdown? If it is I believe the JSON syntax is this.

"customfield_12703": {
"value": "Apps Admin"

 Confiforms is just using Jira's REST api, so you can look at the Jira REST api browser to see what your syntax should be.


Curtis Freudigmann
September 5, 2018

Hello Davin,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question. Since posting this question I have found a working solution.

"customfield_12703": [ {"value": "Apps Admin" } ],

This is what I used to get it to work. The only difference being I have everything to the right of the colon in square brackets. What (if any) are the differences from what we have? Are there any best-practice things to keep in mind here? Also to answer your question the custom field is a multi-select.

Thanks again for the help!


Davin Studer
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 5, 2018

Does the field allow multi-select? If it does then you would have to use the one that you have set as it is specifying an array (multiple values). If it is not a multi-select drop down then what I posted would work. If it is multi-select and you do want to supply multiple values you would do it like this ...

"customfield_12703": [ {"value": "Apps Admin" },{"value": "Another option too"} ],
Curtis Freudigmann
September 5, 2018


The field does allow the multi-select. Your point about it specifying an array makes sense. Thanks again for the help and clarification.


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