How to solve "not defined" error in addJSDComment function (SIL Script)

Dario Diez Tobia November 13, 2020

Good morning everyone,

I am trying to add a comment in a ticket using a generic user instead of the current user.

I typed the following code:

string my_user = "generic_user";

string my_jql = "project = PROJECT and key = '" + key + "'";

addJSDComment(key, my_user, getLastComment(key));

 Checking the code, I get this message:

Error1: [SIL Error on line: 6, column 5] Routine >> addJSDComment << is not defined!

I would appreciate some help in order to fix it. I am unable to find out any clue about it.

Thank you in advance.


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Marcin Gerek
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Is this is solved? If yes please tell me how :)

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