How to jump to a specific board in Jira Mobile App via QR code?

Ingo Wenke
January 20, 2023

Today, it's easy to generate a QR code from a given URL.

Scanning this QR code with my mobile device, I can jump to the target page.

Now, let's have the Jira Mobile App installed and an iPad.

When I scan the QR code, the page opens in Safari.

An additional banner asks me to open the Jira app.

When tap the "open" (in App) button, the App opens, but doesn't route me to the correct Kanban board. Instead I'm landing where I have been last time.

Is it possible to jump to the correct board by scanning something?


The underlying user story is following:

* as an engineer 

* I would like to open the corresponding Jira board within the Jira App by scanning an QR code which is installed at a given point

* so I don't have to search for the correct project and board to view what's going on at this stage of a production process, presented as issues in an given board.


* as an engineer

* I would like to use the App instead the browser Version of Jira

* to have a concentrated view of the main content and get not disturbed by the many features Jira represents in it's standard view.



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